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Staff Profile – Shamir Gupta

Staff Profile - Shamir Gupta

Shamir Gupta is a Senior Client Manager and was recently promoted to the Team Leader Group. We interviewed Shamir for our Client Newsletter.

What are your main responsibilities at Imagine Accounting?
I undertake tax planning and compliance work for a variety of clients including high net worth individuals, SMEs and large multinational corporations. I also advise clients on settng up group structures for tax
planning and asset protection. I am also responsible for preparing budgets, monthly reports and conducting variance analysis to explain business performance to clients.

Describe your working style.
I am inquisitive, knowledgeable and a team player.

How has COVID‐19 affected the way you work?
I am now working from home most of the time. I have always liked to start work early and this is something that I have continued to do. I do a lot of zoom meetings and client phone calls. It is a different approach to work, but I am still regularly in contact with my clients.

How have you helped your clients during the last 6 months?

Because of the pandemic, I have assisted small businesses on how to manage cash flow and apply for grants when they are available. I have also tried to have their tax affairs organised so if they receive a refund, they can get it quicker.

You recently became a father – how has that changed you?
I am really enjoying fatherhood. It is amazing to be a part of my baby girl’s life.

What are your interests outside of work?
Meditating, exercising, reading, learning

If you were not an accountant what would you be?
I love history so probably an archaeologist or historian.

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